Andy Murray won the Wimbledon Men's Tennis Championship, showing tennis balls of steel to become the 1st British winner since Fred Perry in 1936. Respect to the boy.
It was an incredible performance. Even the most cynical and sarcastic of bastards (Er ring any bells Nicholas?) have been moved into a huge public ground swell of respect and emotion for a game they rarely give two hoots of a f**k about.
It was extra-ordinary. The British obsession with producing A Wimbledon champion is over. He had 16,000 people urging him on centre court and millions more at home. He probably had half the nation on his back. Huge pressure, expectation and hope.
You have to hand it to the man. Not only did he deliver skill and style but nerves of steel and Tennis balls the size of melons to close the game out. What a sportsman.
The sun shone, Wimbledon looked more immaculate than a carefully trimmed bush (not saying who's) and the normally docile Middle England crowd were passionate in their support. This skinny little moody Scottish kid has grown into a great Champion and a bona fide mature British role model. Respect.
Watching the skill level, pressure, passion and emotion of the occasion made you realise how great a sporting event Wimbledon is. You remember watching classic Borg v McEnroe when you were a kid & realise why you were inspired to play tennis for 2 weeks every year. You fell in love with it. It's the drama of watching 2 guys slug it out on a grass court in front of 15,000 people & hopefully Murray's victory would have inspired kids up and down the land to get active and get out and play the sport (or any others)
He didn't just muddle through. He went out and won it. He dominated. Beating the best player in the world. Displaying incredible skill, tenacity and courage. As I say he didn't just have the pressure of the final but the whole nation's desire to see a British winner. Big up Andy Murray.
The most impressive thing to me is he has turned himself into a machine. Sure he got lots of stick when he was younger. Stroppy and moody. But so what? He's been the only British player in a sea of useless fucks that could actually do anything. He was young and the very same moodiness and pissed off attitude was only displayed because he knew he was good enough to win but didn't have the full range of tools to get there.
He has turned himself into a machine physically and mentally. He's at the top of his game and has done everything he possibly could. Rung 100% out of himself to get to the top. What a proper British role model. What an inspiration.
I know I'm jumping on the band wagon here, but I'm proper impressed by anyone who turns themselves inside out to get to the top. He has done that. A brutal fitness regime. Losing big games and learning from them and finally coming back to win. Sending himself off to a pro tennis school at 15 and doing what it took to get to the top. I only wish I had delivered 1% of his drive and focus in my lifetime. I think at 15 I was more concerned with getting served in the Forresters Arms and reading 'Big Jugs Monthly' than becoming a pro sportsman. There in lies the difference.
You kind of get the feeling Murray couldn't be doing with all the LTA funding shit, or indeed all the middle class ego ridden politics and got on with what's needed to do. Body is cramping? Change diet. Couldn't last 5 sets. Get fitter. Lower back hurt. Take up Bikram yoga. He has been helped to find a solution for everything but ultimately it came down to his desire to win and do whatever it took to get there.
The only unfortunate thing about the final was the pompous fucks' David Cameron and Alex Salmond jumping on the feel good factor & perform like embarrassing school girls in the Royal Box. How the fuck do they manage to get publicity off the back of Murray's heroics? Makes me sick.
Murray displayed courage fortitude, skill, humility & genuine honesty in winning the title. All the traits people look up to and admire. In fact the polar opposite from those self serving self important wankers. Yet they get the reflective publicity. That's wrong.
I didn't mind the smattering of movie stars and pop stars - that's expected. I mean what would the final be without ego maniac self loving movie stars in shades watching in a pastel coloured suit? It's expected. #standard
It's just the lying morally corrupt politicians I can't stand. In fact every time I see that smug cunt Cameron I just want to punch him, or at least land a 140MPH serve straight into his pudgy gob. (unfortunately my serve is as accurate as a Skud missile in the Gulf war so I'd probably miss by 20KM then have to cover it up and say there was 'limited collateral damage' and edit out the news that it actually hit a school and demolished 35 kids)
Anyway I digress. This is a celebration to Murray and his skills, not a dodgy political moan. I just felt compelled to highlight the nature of his performance and show respect for what it took to get there. If I can learn a small percentage of what he did and employ that in my own life then I'll be doing OK. Hard work, dedication & focus. Unfortunately I displayed none of these on Monday after his victory and bunked off work to lay in the Sun all day. I guess it's progress not perfection.
I'm just gutted I laid down £300 for him to win the Australian Open and not Wimbledon, especially when Paddy Power were offering money back if Murray won. I shan't be betting any more. Though to be fair it doesn't get anymore self absorbed or selfish to put his winning of the title down to yourself for not betting on him. How do you spell Narcissism again?
Final word goes to the genius that is Irvine Welsh. I was told to follow him on Twitter and his commentary of the final was nothing short of genius. His use of filth and language was extra ordinary coming up with his own language and description of the game that will live long in my memory. #Titride Murray being my phrase of the tournament.
So a big hand to Murray. A colossal achievement and day. He's definitely going to be the most famous man in the UK now. Wherever he goes everyone will applaud and be genuinely happy for him. He deserves it. He's a sporting icon now and a genuine Great British Role Model. he's such a top fit sportsman that he actually gets 1 hour sleep and looks like this;
When most of us get 1 hour sleep we actually look like this; There in lies the difference between super human sportsmen like Murray and us mere mortals;
What's actually weird is that he's pleased but not satisfied. In his interviews on Monday he said he wants more. More titles, more Wimbledon victories. He wants to win. More. The hallmark of a true champion.
God. How very untypically British. Most of us would immediately do fuck all for the rest of our lives apart from bask in the glory and give it the Charlie big potatoes. Not Murray. He's already targeting more success. I guess that's the difference between being a winner and not. Murray didn't get where he was by laying on Wandsworth Common in a pair of Speedos turning a darker shade of mahogany did he?
Don't worry the press and public will soon become bored of him winning all the time though and start criticising again. After all, we love a winner. But not too much. That's just too successful then. Kind of makes our own struggles and self worth that little bit harder to take & breads jealousy and contempt. I don't think that will happen with him as he doesn't give a toss. he just wants to win and I'm right on board with that. Full of admiration for the fella. A proper modern British role model right up there with Olly Mears. Sorry I meant to say all the Olympians from last summer.
I'm going to focus on all the hard work, dedication, courage, focus and determination he's displayed to get to the top. Well, in a bit I will, right after I've laid on Wandsworth Common in the Sun and read about his success. Lets hope a little bit of reflective glory and inspiration can rub off. I'm going down the success by Osmosis route. Lets see if that works.
Big respect The Andy Murray
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