Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 312 - Thurs 22nd Nov - Shits & Giggles

Feeling under the weather today & a tad flat so I'm going to keep it short;

The End

Only joking;

Awake 7am - blurgh

Raining outside - And in my head - blurgh

Missed the Ultra negative neighbour as I went out door - hurrah!

Went to work - blurgh

worked - Yawn

Came back from work - blurgh

2 hour sleep - Rough

Woke up early evening feeling worse. Isn't it supposed to revitalise you? I was like someone emerging from a 20 year coma (without the hard on)

Abandoned idea of going out - blurgh

Watched football on TV whilst cycling - Liverpool drew - blurgh

Booked a comedy gig on 4th December - Eek I have to write a 5 min routine.

Early Night - well 11.55pm. Early for me

Why do I never want to go to bed early? It's like I have an aversion to tomorrow. If i go to bed early then it will be tomorrow and I don't want today to end. What a ridiculous mindset. I mean, as if watching late night TV is a reason for today not to end no matter how tired I am. What is the point in staying up? Is missing Air crash Investigation or 'The Late Review' catastrophic? Is it going to affect my day? No, not at all, so why do it? Bad habit? Crap mindset? I'm not really sure. Usually I get a spark at midnight and feel wide awake until 2am. It's when I get my best ideas. Trouble is I rarely write them down and they are forgotten by the morning. I reckon there are some ace comedy routines, business ideas, scripts & books all in the ether from late night thinking.

The worst thing is always waking up on the sofa at 3.30am, bad back, drool hanging from your mouth with some all night poker on TV, then you watch that for 30 minutes not even liking poker before you think to yourself, 'what the fuck are you doing, go to bed'. It's not REM. It's that twilight hour when your awake but not aware. A weird place to be.

The boffins say sleep is important. I don't get enough of it or place enough emphasis on it. It's not insomnia, more stubbornness. At least if you are awake then doing something constructive is great. Instead I like to have at least 2 hours of doing nothing sometime in the day. Horizontal with papers, books, TV, gum, tea and subconsciously playing with my nuts. There I go again always talking about playing with me nuts. But when a man relaxes on the sofa they subconsciously play with their nuts. We are not even aware we are doing it. Comforting? Relaxing? Not really sure, but what I do know you have to be aware in public when sitting in a waiting room. It could get you into all kinds of trouble.

In bed by 11.55pm which for me is early, Thursday 22nd November 2012. Thanksgiving day for all our US friends. But for me it was the worlds dullest day. In 10 years time I won't be looking back on this one as a belter. Feeling flat is not great. But then again it can't all be shits and giggles every day can it? That's why God invented Prozac. But that will never last. Some days are just flat. Either because of a physical, mental or emotional imbalance. Sometimes because of finance or romance or maybe the planets are out of line. Who the fuck knows, it's just the way it is sometimes. No need to go looking for a reason or delve into counselling. One has to accept some days are just as flat as Sue Barker's tits.

Still, I didn't drink, didn't say anything wrong, didn't upset anyone, didn't get arrested, didn't cheat, lie, steal or manipulate. So I can't complain too much it just didn't involve a £20 million deal, an orgy, a lottery win, a gig to 100,000 people, a book published, a magazine article or a Tesco mobile advert. Nuts, never mind I will keep trudging the road to happy destiny. Until tomorrow lovely people


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